Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Spring has finally sprung!

My cherry trees are bloomed out beautifully.
Spring is my favorite time of year. After the nastiness of winter, everything comes back to life. Blooms abound and everything turns bright green. And if you look out the window in front of my desk you'll see a yard full of dandelions (my own fault since the kids & I love blowing the seedlings all over the place). It's time to think about the upcoming vegetable garden, spend time clearing away the debris left by winter storms, and relishing in the warmer, sunny days. Plus the kids have Spring Break next week!

With the new sprouts of life outside, I feel uplifted and ready to tackle new projects. I have two books I'm working on for 2015, plus several blog posts ready to go out on schedule. I also have one daughter graduating from high school in less than two months, and then preparing to leave for college in the fall *Sniff, Sniff*

In between all of that, I have two hogs going up for slaughter, and possibly adding a few new chicks to the coop, and a rental house to paint. Oh, and my middle daughter will be getting her learner's permit in July and will want to start driving. ACK! I told their dad he can do it this time around. I don't think my nerves can take it so soon after the last one.

Spring has definitely sprung, and my to-do list grows even longer. However, I'll get to enjoy the warm weather while whittling away at my tasks.

I hope your day is as beautiful as my cherry blossoms. <3

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