Sunday, September 7, 2008

I am soooo excited!

Tonight is the premiere of the HBO show True Blood! It's based on the Sookie Stackhouse books by Charlaine Harris. I love, love, love those books, so it's no wonder that I called last week to order HBO onto my cable line-up just for this show.

I only have one more hour until it airs here and by then everyone will be in bed and quiet will descend upon the house. It will be nice!

My fingers are crossed that the show is as good as the books. I wish I'd had time in the last month to re-read the first book in the series before the show comes on, but I just didn't have the extra time to spare with the upcoming release of A Twilight Abduction. But I'm soooo looking forward to this show and 9pm can't get here fast enough for me.

I hope you all have a great Sunday evening, and if you're into the vampire scene (which I'm guessing you are since you're reading my blog), then you should definitely check out True Blood on HBO tonight!!

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