Friday, November 7, 2008


Wow, what a week it has been! We welcomed a new President Elect. I was disappointed by some people who I thought were bigger than they actually are. Tim & I made great progress on the re-decorating of our bedroom. And my house is a disaster because all the bedroom stuff is scattered throughout until the painting is finished. LOL!

It's been a very distracting week.

The writing of "Time For Death" is moving along... slowly, but moving. It's very strange to write about totally different characters after doing three books all about Alex & Fiona. Luckily Liz seems to be more tolerant of me than I am of myself when it comes to getting down into her story. She's slowly revealing more about her lifestyle, inner thoughts, and how she really feels about certain people. And here I thought I knew all I needed to know about her before I even stated writing. She'll teach me! LOL!

This weekend I'll be playing word count catch up for NaNoWriMo. I'm behind by a few thousand words, but I can easily make that up if I could get a few hours of peace and quiet. And if Liz will cooperate instead of clamming up. We'll see. I think my mom is going to try to take the girls Saturday night. That will help with getting some peace and quiet. *Fingers crossed*

Well, that's it for today. I have a kitchen to clean up while the 3 year old is watching "Dora Saves the Snow Princess" for the 5th time this week. Hey, whatever it takes! LOL.

Have a fantastic weekend!



  1. Sounds like you are a writing machine! :)

  2. Also... we haven't even started the painting process in our bedroom or bathroom yet! :)
