Sunday, March 29, 2009

Good Sunday morning, and it's done!

Good morning all. How was your Saturday night? I hope it was pleasant. Mine was filled with squealing, screaming, giggling girls.... and no, not just my own three. LOL!

The sleepover went well. They all had a good time and I was able to wrangle them all into their sleeping spots before midnight. Now I'm not promising that they actually went to sleep before midnight, but at least they were where they needed to be. LOL!

I'm currently waiting for the parents to arrive and take half of them away. Then we have to get ready for the weekly visit with the in-laws. The girls love visiting them every Sunday, though Tim and I could do without their smoking. Yuck!

Oh, I guess you're wondering about the "it's done" comment in the title of this entry. Well, after all these months, and me putting it off and pushing it to the side in favor of other projects......


Yep, it's finally finished. I completed the entries for A Twilight Abduction late last night while I was waiting for all those 12yr old girls to go to bed. Woohoo!! Tim was smiling at me as I announced, "It's done!" with great delight.

Soooooo, go on over there and check it out. You might even find out something new about some of your favorite characters. :-) Character Dictionary

Okay, that's it from me this morning. Have a great Sunday. Enjoy it to the fullest because tomorrow is Monday again. ;-)



  1. Congrats on getting your character directory done....and serviving the sleep over... I remember going to those they were always a lot of fun...not much sleeping but fun... lol

  2. Thanks Marla! Yeah, we survived, and there won't be another one for a while. The oldest decided to have a cocky atttude with us this morning, so now she's grounded for two weeks & no sleepovers for six months. LOL! Maybe next time she'll keep that attitude under wraps.
