Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wanna Know Wednesday #31

Good afternoon, friends. How has your short work week gone thus far? Today is the second day of school for the big girls and they were just as excited to head out this morning. I left about 10 minutes earlier and didn't have as much trouble with the crowds. I go both girls to school with plenty of time to eat breakfast.

Afterwards Tim, Kaitlyn and I went over to Wal-mart to buy some groceries. I held off on a big grocery trip until today so that we'd only have Kaitlyn home and the crowds at the store would be minimal. I hate being in crowds so it makes for a much easier and peaceful shopping trip.

Right now Kaitlyn is jumping on Tim and giggling when he moans. LOL. It's so funny what entertains them at this age. And we stillhave 2 hours before worrying about pick-up time at school. Woohoo!

Since this month's give away revolves around those of you who read and subscribe to my blog, today's Wanna Know Wednesday topic is all about the blog and the upcoming changes I'm working on.

10 Changes I'll Be Working On
  1. New color scheme & theme.
  2. Adding a signature to every entry. (Check! See below.)
  3. A cleaner, more organized look.
  4. New menu bars. (Check! Future colors will match future theme.)
  5. New header banner with new logo.
  6. Custom sidebar section headers.
  7. New widgets and gadgets.
  8. I'll be bringing in social icons here and on the website. They're pretty popular right now.
  9. Live visitor feed so everyone can see where my guests are from. (Yep, everyone will be able to see when my stalker shows up.)
  10. And lastly, the blog will be widened. Both my laptop & desktop computers have large screens and it drives me crazy keeping the blog narrower.

These are just a few of the items on my blog makeover to-do list. I actually have a private testing blog that I use for makeovers and not worry about screwing the coding up on here. There will be lots of tweaking over there until I get it all just right.

Okay then, time to get off of here. Kaitlyn has turned her attention to me since I'm busy. LOL. Off I go to throw some laundry in the washer. Have a fantastic Hump Day!


  1. Blog makeovers .... fun fun!! I will be doing this to my own soon as well. It's just time.

    I really like the width of the blog now. Not everyone has wide screens & I am among many I know who don't like having to scroll side to side to see everything. Many people will center the page & just forget everything on the sides.

    I think any theme you pick will be awesome, because it will be different. :)

    Just my 2 cents on the matter...

  2. Thanks sweetie. :-) What size screen do you have, and how much space is available on the sides of the blog for you? I won't be going much wider, but I'd love to know how much space is showing up on your screen.

    I hate side scrolling too! :-)
