Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wanna Know Wednesday #49: Reading is Writing!

Good morning to all you wonderful people! It's Hump Day, so get out there and do some Hum.... um, yeah, nevermind.

Anyway, as I was saying, it's the middle of the week.  Time to look at what you've accomplished so far and decide if you're right on the mark, or if you need to push a bit harder to reach your goals before the week ends.  Did you waste the poor pointless Tuesday like I did, and now need to make up for it by playing catch up today?

Today will be spent writing and roasting.  I've decided to roast a turkey for dinner and I have two articles left to write for the week.  Oh, and it's a payday for me, as well.  I love paydays!  Of course most of this payday will go toward my youngest daughter's birthday on Friday.  A big girl bed and bike don't come cheap, but they only turn 5 once. :-)

Okay, here's my Wanna Know Wednesday for this week.  Reading is something that definitely helps me get into the writing mood.

10 Books I Read in 2009
  1. Twilight
  2. Grave Surprise
  3. New Moon
  4. Sunlight
  5. Librarian by Day
  6. Eclipse
  7. An Ice Cold Grave
  8. Breaking Dawn
  9. Doomsday Can Wait
  10. Dead and Gone
Reading is definitely a gateway into the writing mood for many writers.  You must be a reader of the genre you write in order to understand how to write your own stories.  I think every author should read at least one book a month in their chosen venue.  But maybe that's just me.  ;-)  You can check my website for a list of all the books I read in 2009, and the ones I'm reading in 2010.

It's too darn early for me to think, so I'm off to drink some caffeine and wait for Tim to get home from taking the kids to school.  Then I'll have to make breakfast, start some laundry, and hopefully be awake enough to get some actual work done.  Have a great day and don't forget about the hum....  yeah, that...

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