I spent last week getting my house back in order, cleaning carpets, doing laundry, running errands, filling out school forms, and paying for all sorts of things to get everyone settled into the new school year. New routines were established (considering the oldest is a senior who drives herself, with only 1 class at the high school after her morning college classes, and my middle child started high school) and implemented while I watched the clock to make sure everyone got to where they needed to be in a timely manner. If everything goes as smoothly as last week went, I'll have a little more free time on my hands this year. Yay, me!
All of that means this week I can (finally!) jump back into my work routine. Summers are a bust for writing in the Silvers household. There's just too much fun stuff to do, and not enough time to do it all. But when school starts, I'm free to delve back into MY world. I'm excited to get back into Liz Baker's world and finish book 6 before she uses some of her unpredictable powers to knock my behind back into gear. Eek!
The next few weeks and months will see me finish book 6 an finally release it, and then I'll be starting on the first book in a brand new series. I've been wanting to start this new one for some time now, but I'm not one of those authors who can work on multiple books at once. Nope, I'm a one book kind of gal, so it had to wait.
So here we go! Onward and upward! I'm planning to have To Kill a Demon off to beta readers by early October ad hopefully the release date won't be far behind. And a big THANK YOU to my very patient readers. Lots of love to you all!