Sunday, February 22, 2009

Not everything goes as planned.

Yes, I'm home today. Normally I'd be at the in-laws' house right now. However, the oldest woke up vomiting this morning. Soooo, no visit this weekend.

I spent the morning cleaning the 4yr old's bedroom. I washed the sheets from my bed, and then started the regular laundry afterwards. I've emptied the dishwasher twice today, as well. Oh, and I finally got around to painting that spot in the diningroom from Tim cutting a hole in the wall three weekends ago. LOL!

Tim went out and changed the oil, oil filter, and air filter in my van this morning. Now he's playing Nascar '09 on his Xbox.

Soooo, I'm home today, but that's okay because even my horoscope said I should probably stay home today. LOL! Now if I could just figure out what I'm making for dinner tonight I'd be a happy camper.

Tomorrow starts a brand new week, full of the unknown. I'll be happy to send the girls back to school and get back to my regular routine. Though I have to admit that they did well, and didn't make me want to pull all my hair out. :-)

Back to laundry I go now. Two more loads to put away and it'll be finished. Then I can get to book work. I'm planning to finish the last chapter on Time For Death in the coming week... then it'll be editing and rewriting time. LOL! It never ends, that's for sure. :-) But I love it!

Have a great Sunday and a productive week ahead.


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