Then yesterday morning we woke up to snow on the ground. It was just a light dusting, probably no more than a 1/4 inch, but it was snow nonetheless. We don't get much of that around here. :-) And it only hung around for a few hours before the sunlight hit it and melted the tiny white flakes down into puddles.
I called to see if the kids were up and out playing in it, because it wouldn't be long before it melted. They were though. My mom took a bunch of pictures of them for me, so at least I didn't miss it.
Then later, we picked them up and planned a family outting. The kids thought we were only going to see Santa, but afterwards we drove them across the street to the movie theater for a surprise showing of A Christmas Carol in 3-D. Everyone had a great time and were very well-behaved. The movie was good, but the 4 year old didn't enjoy the Ghost of Christmas Future part. It was very dark and a bit scary for her.
While she covered her 3-D glasses with her small hands, I patted her leg and assured her that once this part was over everyone would be happy and bright. She liked that idea and happily enjoyed the ending.
That brings us to today. We went to visit the in-laws this morning, and had lunch with them. And now we're back home. The oldest is doing her laundry (because I have a rule stating that if they don't bring it to the laundry room then she has to wash them herself), Tim's playing Xbox, the younger two are watching cartoons, and I'm roaming around the internet trying to catch up on what I've missed. LOL.
Tomorrow starts a new week, and thus, time for me to get back to work. I took my week off and now I'm ready to get back into it. Gotta make some money to make up for all the Christmas gifts I've purchased. LOL. Plus, my writing helps me with the seasonal "unhappiness" that always hits me during this time of year.
I'll be glad when Spring arrives.
I hope you're all having a wonderful Sunday. No matter what you're up to today, take some time to relax and enjoy the people who love you most. :-) I'm off to do just that!
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