Welllll, it looks like an August release is a no-go. Things have been a bit hectic around the Silvers homestead lately and my writing time has fallen by the wayside. Work has kept me busier than usual; the kids being out of school has prevented weekend writing; and then there's the stress of Mr. Christie working stupid night shift and finding time to spend together. Oh, and add on that my middle daughter turned 17 last week and is about to enter her senior year of high school. We're already working on college applications and SAT scores (this time next year I'll have two in college), while getting ready for her braces to come off so I can get braces on the youngest.
Needless to say, I'm struggling with finding writing time lately.
Can you tell I'm stressed the f**k out?
On the upside... I'm happy. Much happier than last year when I was still avidly mourning my mom's passing. So much has changed in the last year. I'm proud of my kids and looking forward to the middle one going to college. And an added bonus is I'll finally get the office I've always wanted when that happens. I'm looking forward to making it allllll mine! Also, I've been going to the gym religiously for almost 2 months now and I'm feeling fantastic! I love it! I've met my first weight loss goal and am closing in on the second one. I'm telling people that I've lost the baby weight from baby #3 and #2, and now I'm working off the weight from baby #1. She's almost 21 years old, but you know... LOL!
Overall, it's a crazy time around here, and I'm hoping it will calm down soon, but in the meantime I am working in small spurts when I have the opportunity (like today) and even though the book won't release in August, I'm optimistic it will release this year. All you Liz fans out there stay positive and be on the lookout for future updates.
Lots of love to you all!
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