Yesterday our oldest daughter got braces. Well, technically she got the top braces. She goes back in 10 weeks for the bottoms. She did very well yesterday and looks cute with her braces, but I sure did hate writing that $800 upfront payment check to the orthodontist. LOL! In only 24 monthly payments she'll have the most gorgeous, straight teeth. :-)
Then of course it'll be the middle daughter's turn.
We'll be paying the ortho for the next six years if all three girls go one right after the other. I *might* get a break between the second and third child, but we'll see. That's genetics for ya! Tim & I both had braces. Hell, I still had mine on when we married nearly 15 years ago.
However, all of that isn't the cause of my exhaustion this morning. Tim and I have enjoyed a lot of alone time together lately. Not always doing what's going through your head at the moment. LOL!! We were up 'til after midnight last night and the last hour was just chit-chatting in the darkness. He had to get up at 5:30 this morning and I at 6:00. He's already informed me via text message this morning that he's tired. LOL! Poor guy. At least I can stay home for my job.
I'll be glad when this month is over. We usually try to take a weekend trip with the kids some time in February. I'm sooooo ready for that this year. I'll have to check to see what week the kids have off for "mid-winter break".
Okay, I'm just rambling now. Here's a pic from our oldest yesterday, before I forget, and I'm off. Have a fabulous Tuesday, if you aren't too tired to enjoy it! And if you are too tired, I hope that your tiredness is at least from doing something fun. ;-)