Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wanna Know Wednesday #39

Good morning all. I'll start off by apologizing for yesterday's lack of entry. It was quite a lazy day for me Tim was gone for several hours helping his dad work on one of his rental properties. The youngest was so quiet playing by herself and watching cartoons. And then the puppy slept.

The house was soooooooo quiet!! I couldn't believe it. Made me realize that after him being home 24/7 for the last three months, I'm kind of missing him going off to a job during the day and leaving me to my domain. It looks like I'll get more of that goodness today as the job with his dad wasn't finished yesterday.

I've also made him take the kids to school the last two mornings. Meaning I've gotten to stay home and get my housework done earlier in order to start my writing earlier. I like having a clean house & all the laundry done before I start writing. Doing it that way prevents the stop & go writing that comes with having to change out laundry everytime the washer stops. That screws up my "flow" in the story, making it take longer for me to get into the scene.

So this morning I've already made the 4yr old breakfast, folded one load of laundry & washed another, cleaned the diningroom clutter, swept the kitchen, and put away the 4 yr old's laundry. Once the last load is finished drying I'll fold them and then start on my NaNoWriMo word count for today. I have 800 extra words that I didn't finish for yesterday's word count that I'll add to today's. That's about 20 minutes of extra writing for me, so it's not bad.

Okay, so I'll go ahead and get to this week's Wanna Know Wednesday.

10 Random Facts About Me

  1. The 4 yr old starts asking for Halloween candy at 7am.
  2. The dog currently has four different toys & the kids keep finding more things for him to play with.
  3. The oldest will be staying after school for two days a week starting next week. She has quiz bowl & reading bowl now.
  4. Oh yes, my oldest has joined me in doing NaNoWriMo this year. She's doing the youth program.
  5. Tim is currently curled up in "his" chair with the pup in his lap.
  6. I plan to write at least 2,400 words today, bringing me into Chapter 3 of the new Liz Baker story.
  7. One of my biggest pet peeves about being a writer with books out in the world popped up the other day. Ugh!
  8. I'm planning to surprise the 4 yr old with a "big girl bed" next week. She's still sleeping in her crib, which converts to the toddler bed it is at the moment. New bed, new bed set, new set-up in her room. She'll be so excited!
  9. I think I'll go have a cinnamon raisin bagel when I get done with this. My tummy is growling.
  10. I can't believe it's already November, and yet I can't wait to start decorating for Christmas. I love all the lights, colors, wrapped gifts under the Christmas tree that this time of the year provides.

Okay, that's it. I'm off for the day. I'm waiting on that last load of laundry and going to have a bagel. I always start my writing work at 9am, so I have one more hour to play around.

You have a fabulous day. Go do something that you enjoy! It makes the day more pleasant when you do. :-)

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