Things are coming along nicely with the NaNo novel. I won't be finished when I hit 50K words, but the storyline has picked up and I'm satisfied with it as a first draft. Liz has had quite the turbulant life since discovering her vampire parentage.
I know this is a short entry, but Tim's off working with his dad and the youngest is eating lunch, so I must get some work done while it's quiet in the house.
I hope all of you U.S. friends and family have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Enjoy the time with your family, and even when they drive you completely batty, remember to be thankful that they love you. :-)
Everyone is coming to our house this year, so I will be the one going batty. ;) You're right, we should be thankful that they love us....thanks for the advice! Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving as well!